Exam format, grading procedure and level placement

The exam includes 2 parts:

Part A – Reading Comprehension (90 minutes); Read the article and answer the questions accurately and succinctly.

Part B – Writing (30 minutes), Write a paragraph about one of the two given topics which indirectly relate to the article from Part A. Ideas from the article can be used in the paragraph though not required.

The paragraph should:

  1. Present a main idea, supporting arguments and explanation/demonstration of supporting arguments.
  2. Be developed by writing complete sentences with relevant content which are logically connected.
  3. Demonstrate appropriate vocabulary, grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Each part is graded separately, and the placement combines assessment of the two exam parts while taking into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of each student as demonstrated by their performance on the placement test.

The exam result does not represent a numerical grade, but a level classification/exemption (Ptor).

Dictionary use: Any dictionary may be used, including an electronic one as long as it is muted.

Using a laptop, Quicktionary or any other devise which connects to the Internet is strictly forbidden.


M.A courses coordinator

Dr. Ayelet Sasson:  ayelet.sasson@biu.ac.il

Exam scores will be available after 5 to 14 days from the test date.

Please check your result on In-bar by:

  1. Logging into In-bar using your I.D. number and password (for technical support, please contact ‘Mador Shema’ at *9392).
  2. Clicking ""מועמד and then “נתוני מועמד" in the right-hand menu.

New candidates: please change the year of study to the current year (upper-right corner).

Exam notebook review

Exam notebook review must be requested within 21 days of the results being available. The requests should be made via email efl.unit@biu.ac.il or fax 03-7384103.