Requirements and Registration Guidelines

Registration Instructions for MA-level English-as-a-Foreign-Language Courses

English as a Foreign Language Requirement

A Master’s student must complete their English-as-a-Foreign-Language requirement in the first year of their studies (calendar year).

English Placement Exam

Master’s students at Bar-Ilan University are placed into English-as-a-Foreign-Language courses based on the results of the English placement exam administered by the English-as-a-Foreign-Language Unit. Information about this exam can be found on the unit’s website. Please note that placement into Master’s courses will not be based on the results of the Psychometric/AMIRNET exam.

Learning Disabilities and Accommodations

Students with learning disabilities must contact the Support and Accessibility Unit to determine their eligibility for adjustment during exams. Adjustments will not be provided without approval from the Support and Accessibility Department.

English-as-a-Foreign-Language Courses for Master’s Students – Level Classification

Registration for English-as-a-Foreign-Language courses in the Master’s program is done based on placement exam results only.

Exemption from English-as-a-Foreign-Language Studies

For non-thesis track: A score of 134 or higher on the Psychometric/AMIRNET exam.

Course Classification M (4 academic credits)

This course provides students with tools for reading academic texts with a focus on reading comprehension skills. The course is taught in a pleasant and supportive atmosphere, helping students gain confidence in speaking English.

The M course will be held on campus, with the exception of  three Zoom sessions. On-campus sessions will not be accessible via Zoom.

Course Classification M4 (4 academic credits)

This course equips students with academic reading and writing skills, focusing on reading as a tool for enhancing writing and critical thinking. During classes, students will engage in discussions on fascinating topics derived from the a readings. This course provides students with the tools to use English authentically.

The M course will be held on campus, with the exception of  three Zoom sessions. On-campus sessions will not be accessible via Zoom.

Course Classification M2 (2 academic credits)

This course teaches how to use academic English, how to rewrite complex sentences, and how to be write formally and concisely. The knowledge and principles gained from this course can be used not only with writing in English but also with academic writing in any language.

The M2 course is mostly held on Zoom. The sessions in which student presentations take place (in the last weeks of the course) will take place on campus. Specific dates will be provided by the course instructor. On-campus sessions cannot be accessed via Zoom.