Message From the Coordinator
The need for acquiring a high level of academic English stands at the forefront of university studies in institutions of higher education around the world. Students must be able to communicate and collaborate on research projects, present papers at international conferences and confer with colleagues in the international academic arena.
The EFL Unit at Bar Ilan University has the weighty responsibility of guiding both undergraduate and graduate students and leading them on the road to achieving these goals.
For undergraduate students the EFL Unit places students in courses based on their level in the Psychometric/Amir tests and then teaches them academic reading comprehension strategies and writing skills which will lead them up the ladder to the Exemption Level. The number of courses required by students varies with their entrance level placement.
Graduate students are placed into courses based on the results of the MA placement Test. Each student will take one course in order to fulfill the English requirement for the MA degree.
The highly skilled, very experienced teaching staff in the EFL Unit prepares up-to-date teaching materials and sets curriculum goals for all the courses.
The outstanding success of the EFL Unit in teaching performance has been noted this year in an award from the Rector's Office for Excellence in Teaching. This award was largely based on student feedback on the EFL courses.