סילבוס M2
אנגלית למסטרנטים רמה M2 (מספר הקורס 41032)
English for MA Students - level M2
היקף שעות: 2 ש"ס
מטרות הקורס ותוצרי למידה
Course purpose and overview:
The main objective of the M2 course is to improve students’ proficiency in English for communication in academic and/or professional settings. The primary focus is on enhancing writing skills. To this end, a variety of rhetorical and linguistic skills are taught and practiced throughout the course. Speaking and listening are integrated into the class sessions and assignments, and all students prepare and deliver a professional/academic oral presentation. Communication in such genres as essays, summaries, email correspondence, PowerPoints, and research reports are studied and practiced.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:
- Write in English for a variety of academic and professional purposes (e.g., exposition, argument, summary) in their own fields
- Develop effective academic rhetorical skills and demonstrate awareness of basic stylistic conventions
- Identify and correct linguistic problems in their writing
- Enhance oral proficiency by participating in class discussions and activities
- Prepare and deliver a professional/academic oral presentation
תוכן הקורס
Teaching techniques, technology use, guest speakers:
- Frontal lectures
- Pair/group work
- Individual tutorials
- Class discussions
- Moodle assignments (e.g., forums, videos)
- Internet use: videos, supplementary material (in class/homework)
תכנית הוראה מפורטת לכל השיעורים:
Reading strategies, language components and related reading selections:
Below is a list of the reading, writing, and language skills taught and practiced in the course:
- Writing for an audience
- Writing a thesis statement
- Paragraph writing (structure and development)
- Cohesion (transitions and rhetorical markers)
- Essay writing
- Summarizing
- Paraphrasing
- Writing from sources (citation, quoting, plagiarism)
- Abstracts and empirical research articles
- Academic language and register (e.g. hedging, formality)
- Relevant grammatical and mechanical issues
- Preparing academic/professional presentations (structure, presentation skills, PPT preparation)
דרישות קדם
M.A Placement exam
חובות / דרישות / מטלות
Course requirements:
- Attendance and active participation in class sessions
- Successful completion of class assignments and homework
- Oral presentation
מרכיבי הציון הסופי
Components of the course grade:
The final course grade is pass/fail, with all coursework earning a minimum of 75 to merit a passing grade. The grade is based on a series of assignments completed throughout the semester as follows:
- Two writing assignments (70%): An Introduction to an academic article and an Abstract.
- Oral Presentation (20%)
- Classwork / Homework (10%):
Authentic academic articles compiled by each lecturer in a course booklet posted on the Moodle System
Articles chosen by individual students based on their individual needs