דוגמאות לחלק של הכתיבה


Choose one of the topics below and write a paragraph of about 150 – 250 words. Write a clear opening statement and follow your statement with supporting ideas. Your paragraph will be judged on:

  1. a clear presentation of your point of view;
  2. adequate and appropriate development of your argument;
  3. accurate use of the English language;
  4. appropriate use of formal academic English

If you would like to write notes or a draft, please use the back of the test pages. These notes will not affect the grading of your exam.


חלק ב' חיבור פיסקה : לבחירתך 2 נושאים. עליך לבחור נושא אחד בלבד ולכתוב פיסקה קצרה של

250-150 מילים. עליך להביע/להגדיר את הרעיון המרכזי ולתמוך בו ע"י טיעונים הגיוניים.

הפיסקה תבחן ע"י המבנה, הרעיון, והדיוק בשפה. צריך להשתמש בשפה אקדמית מתאימה.

אם ברצונך לכתוב טיוטא, אנא על הצד האחורי של דף המבחן בלבד. הטיוטא איננה מחושבת בשום דרך בציון המבחן.


القسم الثاني - كتابة نص : عليك اخيار موضوع واحد لكتابة نص انشائي من الموضوعين المقترحين ادناه .

قم بكتابة نص قصير مكون من 250-150 كلمه. عبر عن الفكرة المركزية للنص وسانده بادعاءات منطقيه.

سيتم تقييم النص الكتابي حسب مبنى النص, الفكرة المركزية وكذلك اللغة المستعملة. احرص على استخدامك لغة أكاديمية


اذا كنت ترغب بكتابة مسودة بإمكانك استعمال الصفحة الخلفية لنموذج امتحان .

يتم احتساب المسودة في عمة امتحان.


ESSAY TOPICS: (Choose one and circle the number.)

1. Do you think that Israel's immigration policy is effective or should it be changed? Explain.

2. People often refer to a “generation gap.” In your opinion, are there differences between your generation and the previous one (your parents’ generation)? Explain.


דוגמה לחיבור (ברמה מעניקה פטור)

Topic 1: Israel has yet to reach a satisfactory consensus in regard to its immigration policy. One of the concerns among Israeli citizens and policy makers is the wave of crime attributed to some of the people who seek asylum in our country. I am not familiar with the accuracy of these statistics. However, I do believe that it is Israel’s responsibility to provide refuge for these people, in a way that helps prevent crime 2 and thereby protects our citizens. How would we do this? First, we would assist these asylum seekers in finding jobs. Many of them do not have work permits, making their only resort crime or begging. In addition, we would offer them Hebrew instruction so they can integrate into society. We also would make sure that they receive proper medical care, thereby making it possible for them to be employed. A few organizations are working to help with these and other endeavors, but this is not enough. A full scale government effort needs to take place. It is time we stop complaining about the crime these people bring, and instead provide them the incentive and resources to make an honorable life here.